Parents Teachers Association

Aims & Objectives

  • To create and promote good relationship among the members of teaching and the non-teaching staff, students and parents/guardians of the students.
  • To instill in the members a keen interest for the smooth functioning of the college and for maintaining good discipline and high academic standards.
  • To collect voluntary subscriptions, donations, gifts etc, from members, non-members and other institutions for furthering the aim and objectives of the association.
  • To institute scholarships, prizes, medals etc to motivate students to show high proficiency in their studies.
  • To ensure improvement in the standard of infrastructural facilities.


The association has a two-tire constitution, namely, the General Body and the Executive Committee.

The General Body

It is the supreme authority of the Association. The parents/guardians of all students on rolls of the college during a year and all department teachers on roll shall constitute the general body.

The executive Committee

The administration of the association shall vest in the Executive Committee

Constitution of the Executive Committee

  • President – the Principal or Principal in-charge
  • Vice President - a parent(not guardian) in the General Body
  • Secretary – a permanent teacher
  • Joint Secretary - a parent(not guardian) in the General Body
  • Treasurer - a permanent teacher
  • Not more than 4 parents (not guardian)in the general body out of which at least one shall be a woman.
  • Not more than 4 teachers out of which at least one shall be a woman.