Message From The Manager

Very Rev. Fr Varghese Parinthirikkal
St. Dominic's College, Kanjirappally, is a Higher Educational Institution owned and managed by St. Dominic's Cathedral, Kanjirappally. Ever since its establishment in 1964,it has been rendering quality education to its aspirants hailing from different parts of Kerala, and even from outside. In accordance with our motto, 'Absorb and Radiate', the college management is committed to realize the integral development of the students who seek education and character formation within its portals. We are equally devoted to the holistic development of the stakeholders of this institution which consist of people from different stratas of society without any caste, creed, religious and political predilections and biases.
Our vision and mission hinge on the highest Christian ideals of love, compassion and fellow feelings. During the last six decades of its voyage, the institution has fluttered its banner high giving out into the world thousands of well-formed personalities who serve the world in different capacities. They consist of religious and political leaders, scientists, entrepreneurs, teachers, lawyers, agriculturists and what not. Above all we supply unto the society responsible citizens committed to the cause of society. During its phased development, it has achieved many a laurel in the form of ranks and distinctions in the academic field and championships and medals in sports and athletics.
Thanks to such yeoman services rendered to the society, it has been ranked A Grade by the UGC. But still, the management knows that we have to stride a long way ahead and with this view in mind we explore every avenue of progress in spite of many constraints and adversities. Our future aim is to attain further heights of success by winning A+ Grade and becoming an autonomous institution. Let 's march ahead in unison to fulfil our dreams regarding this prestigious institution. The management assures its entire support, both material and moral, for the fulfilment of this dream.
Wishing the best,Fr. Varghese Parinthirickal, Manager