Message From Bursar

Rev. Dr Fr Manoj Joseph
The legacy goes on……
The establishment of St. Dominic’s college is the fulfillment of a long cherished dream of this predominantly agrarian society. True to the spirit of its motto “Absorb and Radiate” - absorbing the light of knowledge, wisdom and values and transmitting the imbibed elements manifold, the college has been a beacon of hope for generations. The college acts as a catalyst for social change by being instrumental in transforming the agrarian society into an egalitarian society.
Our performance in academic and co -curricular areas has been colorful and enviable. We are proud of our alumni who are rendering valuable services to the nation and the world around.
In this era of globalization, we have to think globally and act locally. To equip the student to be competitive in a globalized scenario, innovative teaching and learning methodologies have to be followed. In tune with this trend, we have made our best efforts- strengthened our laboratories with latest equipment, introduced new audio visual technologies and started new programs.
On the whole, we are committed to follow our legacy with added zeal and enthusiasm by exploring all avenues of progress for the integral development of our stake holders.
Rev. Dr. Fr. Manoj Joseph